

After doing a warmup of 1-3 sets of 10 of each:

* Pushups
* Air Squats
* Situps
* Chest-to-bar
* Dips

We will be doing three timed tests:
1) 1 stadium lap run
2) Back and forth on the stadium steps once
3) 1 bleacher sprint to the top

Bench 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Strict Pull Ups 3 x max reps

Old times:
Back and forth stadium steps -
Melissa: 7:07
Jackie: 7:57
Ragen 7:

1 stadium lap run -
Melissa: 3:21
Jackie: 3:42

Bleacher sprint -
Melissa 1:01
Jackie 1:10
Ragen 1:21
Maureen 1:20

Bench -
Jackie 60
Ragen 70
Maureen 70

We will use the machine for pullups

1 comment:

  1. Results:
    Lap run -
    Jackie 3:36 (+:06 PR!)
    Maureen 3:51

    Step run -
    Jackie 11:00
    Maureen 7:28

    Stair Sprint -
    Jackie 1:22
    Maureen 1:43

    Bench -
    Jackie and Maureen 60
